
of target broadcast media attended press call


AVE for local / trade press coverage


clients included in one story

The Client

LSS Waste Management is one of the leading independent waste management companies in the UK. 

The Brief

Launch to local media LSS Waste’s decision to fit fellow Leeds company, SM UK Ltd’s Halo cyclist safety system on its two biggest trucks, and its additional commitment to the system being installed on all future vehicles.

The Strategy

The nature of the system, which comprised ultrasonic sensors, audible and visual “vehicle turning left” warnings, blind spot cameras and an in-cab monitor, was such that the aim was quickly agreed to specifically target Yorkshire’s broadcast media – in particular the three main early evening news bulletins, Calendar (ITV), Look North (BBC) and On the Aire (Made in Leeds). 

Source advised that to do this successfully an event needed to be created. This was achieved by utilising LSS Waste’s position as one of the main sponsors of the Leeds Rhinos rugby league side. Working with LSS Waste and Leeds Rhinos’ commercial director, Rob Oates, the services of club captain, Danny McGuire and long-time teammate, Ryan Hall were secured. 

With the event scheduled for the Wednesday of the supposedly quiet week after the General Election, Source built a story that referenced Yorkshire’s place as the UK’s capital of cycling; the recent appearance on the city streets of local heroes, Alistair and Jonny Brownlee in the ITU World Triathlon; and the fact that ROSPA figures still show a frightening number of cyclists being killed or injured on UK roads. The sell in took place over the two days preceding the event.

The Results

News crews from all three target programmes covered the event, with the story being prominently trailed at the beginning of the early evening magazine news programmes. Also in attendance was a photographer covering the two main regional daily newspapers, the Yorkshire Post and the Yorkshire Evening Post. In addition, BBC Radio Leeds trailed the event in bulletins throughout the day.

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